Along with our Sunday morning services, Gospel Fellowship has other ways for our congregation to connect with each other and build up our community. Check out our various ministries below. Have questions? Please contact us, we would love to answer any questions you have!
Sunday School
Sunday school is available for kids age 2 through grade 12.
Learn about Jesus through stories, crafts, games and Bible memory.
Our Sunday school meets Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:15, Sept. - June.
Please note: We also have a nursery/play area upstairs where parents with young children can go during the service if they choose.
LIFE Groups
GFC LIFE Groups are small groups of 4-15 people focused on:
L earning to love and live like Jesus,
I ntercession and Prayer,
F ellowship and Caring for one another,
E ngaging in Service.
This is the core method of personal discipleship at GFC. Each time a LIFE Group meets there is a time of study focused on either the sermon from the previous week or some other kind of Biblical study, a time of sharing and prayer and a time of fellowship.
Occasionally, LIFE Groups go out to serve the community in some way or for a time of recreation. Our Sunday morning Adult Sunday School is also a LIFE Group.
Youth Nights
We are currently providing a Thursday evening Youth night for teens of grade 7 - 12, located in the Hut (the small building at the South end of the parking lot).
The Youth nights usually consist of Bible study nights, with periodic community service nights, and games nights. There is time to hang out, play pool, foosball, etc. with other Youth and the Youth Leaders before and after the night's event, and often some games are played afterwards as well. Snack is usually provided by volunteers (Youth are encouraged to do so!), but is not always a guarantee.
The Youth night runs on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00, August - April.
Community Ambassadors
At Gospel Fellowship Church, we are proud to have a team of Community Ambassadors who are dedicated to serving the needs of our community. Our team works tirelessly to identify the needs of our community, and provides the church with ideas and strategies for meeting those needs. If you're interested in learning more about our Community Ambassadors, or how you can serve our community, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Giving Options
Thank you for considering donating to Gospel Fellowship Church. Your generosity enables us to continue our work within the community and beyond.